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Business Learning Stories

Dont Overcommit

May 4, 2019

A new vacuum salesman knocked at the door….
A lady opened it. Before she could speak… The salesman rushed into the living room and emptied a bag of cow dung on the carpet.
Salesman: – Madam, if I couldn’t clean this up in the next 3 mins with my new powerful vacuum cleaner, I will EAT all this!!
Lady: Do you need Chili Sauce with that?
Salesman: – Why Madam?
Lady: – Because there’s no electricity in the house…!!!
Learning from the story
1. Know the environment you are operating your business in.
2. Gather all resources & understand the impact of all variables before working on any project.
3. Then give commitment to your clients. Over commitment can prove fatal at times.
Questions to ask ourselves⁉
1. What all resources do I need to deliver on my commitments?
2. What all variables can have impact on my deliverables?
3. How do I validate the delivery of my commitments?
If you really want to Put your Business on AUTOPILOT (this is NOT an overcommitment); here’s my personal invitation to our FREE seminar Business On Autopilot

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We Dr Biz Ventures LLP are a Business Coaching Organization, we are on the mission of creating community of at least 50,000 New Age Entrepreneurs by 2025.

We help seasoned business owners who are ambitious, ready to learn and take new actions to change the status quo.

We help them get clarity about themselves and their businesses, make them focus on the most critical factors by holding them accountable to the right actions and in the process motivating and inspiring them by providing the right tools, tips, tricks and techniques

If you are a business owner who want to live a Purposeful life & channelize your unlimited potential to build a highly PROFITABLE, SCALABLE, VALUABLE & NEW AGE AUTOPILOT business, DrBiz is the right choice for you!