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Business Learning Stories

Drop the baggage

September 9, 2019
Today’s story is about my favorite visionary Entrepreneur *Elon Musk who is changing the world single-handedly.*
This was the time when Elon Musk had made up his mind to put his first Gigafactory in the USA to manufacture Lithium-Ion Batteries required for powering Tesla electric cars against the popular convention of making it in China. He decided to establish it in the US because his idea was to make it completely automated. His idea of Gigafactory was to build a machine that will eventually manufacture machines.
The next thing he did is, he hired engineers to design this Gigafactory. He observed one peculiar behavior of these designers while they started designing this Gigafactory. He realized that the designers he hired have been designing factories all their lives where people would work, whereas his vision for Gigafactory was complete automation without any human intervention.
He realized one more thing, designers he hired were carrying the baggage of learnings from their earlier experience.
This was not serving Elon’s purpose. He kept questioning himself, where can I find the most efficient designers who will do justice to this project?
Eventually, he got his answer & he took one more unconventional decision to hire designers from electronics industry who design motherboards of computers. He wanted to hire the most efficient designers in terms of space & energy, he could see the same efficiency in them which he wanted in designers of his Gigafactory.
While new designers started designing Gigafactory, earlier hired engineers could realize mistakes they were making and in that process they broke lots of their limiting beliefs, patterns and eventually dropped their baggage of old beliefs from old experience which did not serve their purpose that moment.
Today this factory is the largest factory in the world manufacturing millions of batteries every day.
Learning from the story
1. Ask empowering questions to receive empowering answers.
2. Drop the baggage of limiting beliefs arising out of the old experience which is outdated today. Face the new situation without baggage and new possibilities.
3. Challenge the conventional process of doing things to disrupt and create new & innovative.
Questions to ask ourselves
1. What is the baggage do I need to drop from my life & business today which doesn’t serve the purpose?
2. What are the old conventions we are following even today which never got challenged till date?
If you really want to learn what baggage you need to drop from your business & life to build a business like Elon Musk; consider this as my personal invitation to our seminar
Business On Autopilot.
Read what Quanto shivo founder of radicle spiritual path called Quanto Life has to say about this seminar.
“Most awesome workshop to deal with the current chaotic reality all entrepreneurs are facing. It opens up the transition path from the defunct traditional business model to the new age model driven by ideas. A must for every entrepreneur to experience”
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September 5, 2019



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