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Business Learning Stories

Shift your Focus

December 7, 2019

A charity football match was played in 1986 to promote fight against drugs and corruption.

Diego Maradona in the picture wore the No to drugs jersey while Michel Platini wore say no to corruption jersey, while Pele stood in between them as the neutral party.

In Future both players were found guilty of what they stood against.

Maradona was banned from football in August 1994 for 15 months for drug abuse while Platini was banned from football for life in December 2015 on corruption charges.

Pele remain neutral till date.

PS- Dont miss the most Ironic picture in history shot before this game shared with this story.

Learning from the story
1. Universe doesn’t understand NO word. What you think of, what you stand against OR for; it just manifests it for you.

2. Shift your from what you dont want TO *what you want*

3. What you focus on you tend to see more of it, it grows and you attract more of it.

4. Be true to your Values.

Questions to ask ourselves
1. What do I want? What do I stand for?

2. How do I learn more about Universal Manifestation Process?

3. How do I apply this to my life & business?

If you really want to understand Universal Manifestation Process & apply it to your life & business; here’s my personal invitation to our *FREE seminar Business On Autopilot.

Read what *Bhagyawan Kamble Founder @ Harleen Enterprises* specialized in *lifts & Elevator Interior works* has to say about this seminar.

“ It was an unforgettable experience, Heartiest thanks to Mr. Sachin Sir for creating the opportunity to experience the seminar, Business on Autopilot seminar is very unique and it will definitely help me to grow & do sustainable business”

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December 21, 2019



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