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Business Learning Stories

Law of Giving & Receiving

December 31, 2019

In the 1920’s Tonse Madhav Anant Pai went to Bangalore to study medicine.
He excelled in his studies, and after earning his license to practice medicine, he went back home to the fishing village of Malpe.

He asked his parents if he could go to Japan for further studies, but was told sternly by his mother that he should stay in the same village and practice medicine for the welfare of the people he grew up with.

That broke the boy’s heart. He wanted to study more and he knew that a fishing village would provide him neither money nor the intellectual challenge.

He was proved right. In six months’ time, he confirmed that a fishing village had only colds, fevers, diarrhea, dysentery and indigestion as regular ailments.

He tried persuading his parents one more time to let him go overseas for further studies. Once again, he was rebuffed.

Till one day, he had his Eureka moment. He realized that one reason why he was not earning enough was that the people around him were also not earning enough.

He asked himself, Can he change that? Can he help people around him make more money?

He began strategizing a social revolution that India had never seen or imagined.

He knew, as a doctor, that children are brought o doctors invariably by mothers; seldom by fathers.

So he focused on the women who came to him. He began urging them not to let their children end up like their fathers who were good only for fishing and then getting drunk when they returned to the home base.

The cleaning of the fish, selling them, managing provisions, balancing⚖ incomes with expenses was left to women.

If there was any surplus money, the man demanded it and got drunk with that money too.

So he urged the women to save.

But they told him that there wasn’t enough money for saving. He would then ask them to show how much money they had. They would show him a few coins.

He would gently take a 25 paise coin from each woman and tell her to start with this.

Since he was not a bank, he kept two notebooks for each woman – one kept with him and the other with the woman.
He told them that he would send his compounder over to her house every day when the husband was not around.

If they could save 25 paise, the amount would be registered in both the notebooks.

The scheme, backed by constant persuasions and exhortations, worked.

Women began saving. In a few months, Pai realized he had more than a thousand rupees – which translates into a few lakhs using today’s valuations.

The 25 paise deposit scheme came to be known as the Pygmy Deposit scheme & the foundation of the banking system is laid in India with this 25 Paise deposit scheme.

There’s more to this story, stay tuned till next story.

Learning from the story
1. Know who you are serving, understand their challenges and build your business around them.
2. If you want to manifest anything, you need to have pure intention.
3. If you seek to receive, start with giving. If you want more money, help others make more money.

Questions to ask ourselves⁉
1. Who am I serving?
2. What challenges are they facing?
3. How can I serve them by solving their challenges and at the same time building a successful business around it?

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