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Business Learning Stories

Story-‘Sapta Vada Nyayam’- by Mahatria

October 5, 2018
Hi, this story is very special to me, I always keep reminding myself when a good learning opportunity comes my way, this was narrated by one of my living Gurus ‘Mahatria- T Rangarajan’ while I attended his ‘TAT- This and That’ program.
Enjoy and cherish this story for life.
Once a very hungry man was walking on the street, he saw ‘Vada’ stall on the road side. He approached vada wala and asked him, “Can this vada satisfy my hunger? And what are the charges for it?”. Vada vendor replied “Yes, for sure” and quoted the rate 10 Rupees.
Hungry man ate one Vada, he was still hungry, he ate 2nd, 3rd, 4th likewise after having 7th vada he felt full and satisfied. He handed 10 Rupees note to vada wala, vada wala got surprised to get 10 Rupees in return of 7 Vadas. He asked for 60 Rupees more, hungry man replied “I had asked you whether your vada will satisfy my hunger and to that you said Yes. When I ate first 6 vadas, I was still hungry, only 7th vada of yours satisfied my hunger. That’s why I need to pay you only 10 Rupees for that 7th vada”
Learning from the story
1. Mahatria continued- just like this hungry man; we all are also sitting on ‘some number of vada’, we can’t tell in present moment, on which number of vada we are sitting on. If we want to TRANSFORM ourselves, our job is to keep having these vadas continuously. Vadas here represent Learning Opportunities & Hunger represents the permanent change we seek in ourselves by learning.
2. Mahatria explains Transformation is called Transformation when we cannot go back to our old ways.
3. If by learning something or attending learning events, if you felt you have not changed considerably or permanently in that aspect, consider yourself sitting on one of the vada from 1st to 6th. You may be just one vada away from your transformation. Our job is to have vadas continuously.
4. One of the reasons why people get different results after attending the same learning events is that they all are sitting on different number of vadas and hence different level of learning and different level of results.
Questions to ask ourselves
1. In what all aspects I want to transform myself & business? and reflect upon which number of vada you may be sitting on now; pertaining to that aspect
2. What learning opportunities do I have now pertaining to those aspects?
3. How can I make sure that I keep reminding myself about this story and motivate myself to have vadas continuously and live the life of ‘CAN I- Continuous And Never ending Improvement’.
I invite you personally to have a vada with me tomorrow; Sunday the 9th Sept through my half day seminar @ Hotel Royal Orchid Central Vashi. Starting 9.30 AM to 2PM.
I commit; you will learn these 3 most important things in this seminar
1. How to at least Double your Income
2. How to Build a Valuable Business which can be sold if needed
3. How to Put business on Autopilot which works and grows without you.
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