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Business Learning Stories

Take Problem as Challenge

March 9, 2019

It was 1902 when Walter Timmis, a consulting engineer @ Carrier tried to solve a challenge at Sackett & Wilhelms multicolor printing plant. The problem was that the ink misaligned with the expansion and contraction of the paper stock due to humidity which created a serious quality issue, waste, and productivity loss within the company.
Timmis visited J. Irvine Lyle, Head of Buffalo Forge’s sales in New York. Lyle knew engineers had been able to heat up, cool down and humidify the air and recommended to meet a recent Cornell University graduate engineer, who had already impressed many people at Buffalo Forge.
Timmis @ Carrier started to experiment with cold water flowing through heating coils and airflow to cool the air down to the desired dew point temperature. As a result, the first set of coils was installed at the plant along with fans, ducts, heaters, perforated steam pipes for humidification, and temperature controls.
The compressor was introduced later in 1903 to meet the demands of summer operation. This system of chilled coils was designed to maintain a constant humidity of 55 percent year-round and have the equivalent cooling effect of melting close to 50 Tones of ice per day. And thus, modern air conditioning was born.
Learning from the story
1. Consider problem as challenge and take the challenge.
2. Every Problem is a seed to new creation.
3. When you create something new for you and others you are aligned with cosmos. Success is guaranteed in this space.
Questions to ask ourselves
1. What problems are waiting for me to take on.
2. How can I ensure the solution to be of good for me and greater good for others as well?
3. What is the first step to start?
If you really want to build an insanely profitable business by solving real problems for your customers repetitively;
here’s my personal invitation to our FREE seminar Business On Autopilot
Apart from above, here’s what I commit, you will learn in this Eye Opening Seminar.
1. How to at least DOUBLE your income every year on AUTOPILOT.
2. How to build a VALUABLE business to create the legacy.
3. Transform your business from TRADITIONAL BUSINESS to a NEW AGE BUSINESS MODEL.
Read what Preeti Moghe Founder, Speaker, Trainer & Coach at Metamorphosis Trainings has to say about this seminar.
“Sachins 4 hour seminar was a power packed one. It was truly an eye opener for me. The content covered was just perfect and his energy while delivering is simply awesome. I am surely going to use all the wisdom to take my business to next level. Thanks Sachin”

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